Wednesday, June 22, 2011

U.S. HISTORY: Grade 9, 2011-2012

+ JMJ +

1.  Book:  Which Way to the Wild West?  by Steve Sheinkin

~  "Everything Your Schoolbooks Didn't Tell You About America's WESTWARD EXPANSION"

2.  Field Trip:  Gettysburg 148th Anniversary Civil War Battle Reenactment on Sunday, July 3, 2011.

(Total time, including drive:  7 hours)
  • Battle:  The Confederate Surprise - "Cavalry Battle at Fairfield"
  • Battle:  Pickett’s Charge – “The Artillery Opens Up!” 
  • Independence Day Artillery Commemoration (Field)
  • Live Mortar Fire Demonstration (Field)      

3.  Field Trip:  Fort McHenry

~  Baltimore, Maryland
~  Wednesday, August 10, 2011
~  Total time, including drive:  5.5 hours


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